Project Description

ABNA’s team improved the design for O’Hare’s runway 10R-28L. This southernmost runway in the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP) was reconstructed with 7,500- foot long by 150 foot wide with NAVAIDs and lights. In order to accommodate its construction, several supplementary projects such as structure demolition and ditch, rail- road and road relocations were implemented. In addition, this project was coordinated with the final design and construction of Taxiway RW 10C. Services for this project consist of Value Engineering; Facilitating Preliminary Engineering, Construction Permitting and significant interaction with Public Utilities; preparing a comprehensive Drainage Plan which were designed to collect runoff according to predetermined detention facilities located at O’Hare, Phasing Plans including temporary construction requirements, Progress Reports, Final Construction Drawings , Opinion of Probable Cost and Technical Specifications; and executing Quality Assurance & Quality Control. Additionally, this project was closely coordinated for staged construction with other projects within the airport limits.