Project Description
This project provided for the upgrades required at the Lambert St. Louis International Airport vehicle maintenance garage to allow Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueled vehicles to be parked inside the garage buildings without having to remove the CNG fuel. The upgrades included methane detection, emergency ventilation, replacement of heating systems for compliance with NFPA 88B (Repair Garages), and installation of explosion proof lighting and power systems. Lambert has been a leader in alternative fuels fleet practices through a program that began in the late 1980s. Lambert currently operates more than 120 compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles including nearly 40 CNG Super Park shuttle vans. The Airport operates two CNG fueling stations for Airport vehicles and some corporate fleets in the region. Lambert also operates a bio-diesel fleet which includes pickups, runway brooks, runway blowers, runway plows, street cleaners and fire trucks.