Project Description
The Greenville Airport project involved extending the Apron at the Greenville Airport. For this project, ABNA provided Testing/Inspection and Quality Con- trol for materials used in order to complete the extension. The inspection of the sub-grade preparation included documenting removal of unsuitable mate- rial, inspecting and testing of each placed lift. Lift material was then tested for compacted density using a nuclear moisture density gauge and evaluated against a proctor test to ensure specified compaction requirements were achieved. The inspection, documenting, and testing of the sub-base prepara- tion of cast-in-place concrete were also performed including two modified proctor tests, one sieve analysis and nuclear moisture density tests. ABNA also monitored the placing of the concrete. Air, slump and temperature tests of the concrete were performed as well as compressive strength tests in the lab. Com- paction testing of the hot-mix asphaltic pavement was also provided by ABNA to ensure the placed lift compaction achieved the specified requirements. Re- ports were provided for all work performed.